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CFHE statement on the nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education
We believe that public education, from pre-K through grade 12 and into post-secondary education, is at the core of our democracy, and of ensuring affordable, quality higher education for all who pursue it. The nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education makes clear that the new administration has no such commitment.
Reaffirmation of Principles & Commitment to Action
Since its launch in May 2011, the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education (CFHE) has worked to advance public policy and practice that provides affordable, quality higher education to all who seek it.
Back to School in Higher Ed: Who Needs Faculty?
Executive Summary
Although 50 years of research has shown that faculty/student interaction is crucial to student success, recent trends and newly-adopted practices in higher education actually decrease the possibilities for faculty to interact with students in the amounts and the ways that matter most.
Online Ed: Teaching Millions or Making Millions?
The Campaign for the Future of Higher Education released a new animated video, raising serious concerns about the claims and promises being made by the online education industry. In just a few minutes, you’ll get the real scoop on the hotly contested Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
The “Promises” of Online Higher Education: Access
Executive Summary
The “promise” that online learning will dramatically expand access to higher education is at the center of the recent push in the MOOC/Online movement. This paper examines research that can help us answer a crucial question: do online courses provide meaningful access to quality higher education for underserved students, who are those most in need of expanded educational opportunities?